“Protezione, promozione e valorizzazione turistica del patrimonio marittimo adriatico”
Progetto Interreg Italia-CroaziaAsse prioritario: Ambiente e patrimonio culturale3.1 – Trasformare il patrimonio naturale e culturale in una leva per uno sviluppo territoriale sostenibile e più equilibrato.
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Partner di progetto 8
Ministero della Cultura
Direzione Regionale Musei Veneto
Museo Nazionale di Archeologia del Mare, Caorle (Venezia)
Coordinamento del progetto
Prof. Carlo Beltrame
(Università Ca’ Foscari)
Assistenza al progetto
Dott. Stefano Medas, Dott.ssa Elisa Costa
(Università Ca’ Foscari)
Progetto espositivo e realizzazione
Arch. Cristina Barbiani
(Università Ca’ Foscari)
Contenuti multimediali
Arch. Cristina Barbiani
Ricerca, contenuti e consulenza scientifica
Carlo Beltrame, Elisa Costa, Stefano Medas, Gilberto Penzo, Ugo Pizzarello, Rita Vianello, Nicolò Zen
Allestimento e tecnologie
STL Srl Design e tecnologia Si ringraziano Luigi Divari per i disegni della pesca e l’intervista, Paola Perozzo per la collaborazione tecnica ai prodotti miltimediali
The main purpose of the Interreg Italy-Croatia ARCA ADRIATICA project is to develop a common tourist product between the two coasts of the Adriatic Sea, based on sustainability at an environmental, social and cultural level.
This goal is developed through the protection and enhancement of the rich maritime heritage, both tangible and intangible, represented by the historical ports and their landscapes, the places preserving memory, wooden boats, shipyards and the connected crafts; the customs, festivals and events associated with the traditional seafaring world. In this context, the project develops research, cataloguing, recovery, enhancement and communication activities.
Ca’ Foscari University Venice, in particular, has implemented a study and documentation programme that has resulted in the creation of this articulated virtual museum making it possible to explore the places, memories and crafts of the thousand-year-old nautical tradition characterizing the history of Venice and its lagoon.
The museum provides the opportunity to discover contexts normally little known to the general public, often lying off the beaten track, and amazing us with the vitality of centuries-old traditions that are still part of the city’s everyday life.